  • Research Agronomist
  • Professor
  • Extension Agent
  • International Agriculture Consultant
  • Program Coordinator

For individuals who

Are interested in a career associated with the Cooperative Extension Service.

Looking for

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching methods in Agricultural Education. Opportunities for research and hands on field experience. 

To become

  • Extension Director
  • Extension Agricultural Technology Specialist
  • Extension Communications Specialist
  • Educator

You will:

  • Explore the principles that guide Extension work.
  • Develop programs and community outreach opportunities.
  • Customize instructional methods for diverse audiences.
  • Develop evaluation strategies for Extension programming.
  • Gather, analyze, and communicate community-based research to various audiences.

What Is Extension Education

Extension Education focuses on “extending” university knowledge and resources to communities. Extension offices serve as a community-based education hub where Extension professionals learn about their local community needs and help develop educational programs to address them. Common initiatives are:

  • Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
  • Horticulture
  • Youth Development
  • Family Consumer Sciences
  • Nutrition
  • Volunteer Development
  • Rural Community Development and Economics

Graduate study in Extension Education leads to the Master of Science (M.S.) or Master of Education (M.Ed.) degrees.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Graduate School’s required application materials, the program requires:

1) a statement of purpose that addresses the question, “How will this degree help me achieve my professional goals?”

2) a letter from a faculty member/specialist expressing their willingness and ability to mentor the candidate in their area of interest.

Admission is only considered after all required application materials have been received and reviewed.